If your avec tells you not to drink, Just drink, just drink! If they say you’ve had too much of beer Just drink, just drink! And if they keep nagging just go ahead ‘n ditch them There’s plenty of fish in the ocean to capture Just drink and sing and drink and sing and drink and sing and... Trink, trink, Brüderlein trink Lass doch die Sorgen zu Haus! Trink, trink, Brüderlein trink Leere dein Glas mit mir aus! Meiden den Kummer und meide den Schmerz Dann ist das Leben ein Scherz Zu lieber Augustin! Kauf dir ein Auto und fahr gegen Baum Dann is das Leben ein Traum! When soldiers march to war, you’ll see: They drink, they drink! And generals in bunkers then? They drink, they drink! Cause war is pure hell and they know it’s quite rotten When one guy can end it by pushing a button So drink and sing and sing and drink and sing and and drink and sing and... Trink, trink... High up in a fir tree right under the branches, there lives a small squirrel with its little stashes. It drinks and sings and drinks and sings and drinks and sings... Trink, trink...